Friday, 29 March 2013

Don't try this at home...

Easter is here and I decided to follow my Slavic roots and to decorate some eggs. It should be easy, well it was not.From start I did not have the proper eggs dyes and I ignored all instructions and articles about" How to decorate Easter eggs". Instead I wanted to do something special ,so picked up my old spray paints and I started to spray eggs. After one hour of decorating 3 eggs spray paints were all over me and over the wall, the air in my tiny room was so unbreathable and I had to proceed the evacuation. Despite all mess which I made,I think that my eggs are cool, but please don't try this at home...

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Animal instinct..

This is the evidence.....I have to admit, I had an obsession to have any animal print in our bijou flat for ages. Unfortunately the cow rug from Ikea is out of my budget at the moment, so I did bought some fabric off-cuts from eBay and made some cool cushion covers... What do you thing... ?

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


animal fewer...

Animal prints, love them or hate them? I was not obsessed until I saw this Ikea cow rug and I started to dig around for more inspiration involving animal prints and voilà  suddenly I had a whole collection of different items with animal pattern. Just between us girls I already brought the KG boots, I am dreaming about the cow rug and I will definitely stay away from the cow print skirt (or maybe not...).  

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Clean surface...

Garden Tree House by Hironaka Ogawa

Garden Tree House by Hironaka Ogawa

Garden Tree House by Hironaka Ogawa

Garden Tree House by Hironaka Ogawa

So, it is the weekend, and I am feeling too lazy to do anything, even to update my blog is too huge a challenge for me... so I am  browsing the internet and then I come across these amazing pics... Garden Tree house by Hironaka Ogawa (I know, I have a problem!) and I am in love, the trees, the clean walls, everything is clean and crisp... it is perfect.. for me...

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

The small house...

Pinned Image

Recently I have been inspired with the idea of having my own tree house, I am not a hobbit but I am big fan of eco living, of course a small, cute, tree house would have disadvantages such as limited space for my collection of shoes or for a wardrobe. Well, my dream about tree house never will come true, but that does not stop me thinking about it...

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Framed posts...

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien - White - Small/Gold Foil Print/ French Inspired Poster



Sometimes you have a post-it note, quotes from your favourite writer or friend. If you want to give these post-its/quotes longevity, why not frame it? I received a cute little post from my lovely BF on Valentine's day and instead of throwing it in the recycling bin, I decided to frame it. I picked up the frame from a one pound shop, painted it and I framed my post-it note.


Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Si Scott.

I was just browsing the internet when I came across these pictures made by Si Scott - an amazing graphic designer from Leeds, UK.

Check out more of Si Scott's work here: 
                      and here:

Monday, 4 March 2013


Last touches and these two pictures will be in my Etsy shop by next week... Ready, steady, go....

From top: Doutzen Kroes as Eagle women.
         Portrait of unknown model.

Saturday, 2 March 2013


Thanks God for Sunday...Happy Sunday to everyone...

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